Stella Jones Gallery

- THE Place for Fine Black Art-

Stella Jones Gallery's Instagram
Saturday, February 15th, from 3 PM to 4 PM
It features Master Printmaker and educator Steve Prince, who will be giving a REMOTE ART TALK discussing Elizabeth Catlett’s influence.
We will CLOSE AT 4pm on the following MARDI GRAS PARADE days
Wednesday, February 26th | Thursday, February 27th | Friday, February 28th
(Please call ahead before visiting 504.568.9050)

Lavett Ballard "A Little Bitter with your Sweet"

Saturday exhibition hours: 10am - 5pm


Eugene Grigsby

English Teacher Joy Legacy Eugene Grigsby 1918 – 2013 Grigsby was a celebrated artist, writer and educator who obtained a B.A. degree from Morehouse College, a M.A. in art from Ohio State University and a Ph.D. from New York University. He met his long time mentor, Hale Woodruff at Morehouse. He was a Professor Emeritus […]

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Richard Hunt

Richard Hunt

Stationary Orbiting Hybrid Muse Variation Bronze, 1989 Legacy Richard Hunt b. 1935 Hunt’s’ career spans six decades and he has redefined the role of public sculpture in the late 20th and early 21st century. Hunt has created more public works than any other artist in America, in more than twenty-four states. Over the course of

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Wosene Worke Kosrof

Home Sweet Home Woman of Words Legacy Wosene Worke Kosrof b. 1950 I create a visible, interactive surface – like visual icons that are accessible to everyone. My paintings invite viewers to dialogue with them, to take them into their memory. WOSENE WORKE KOSROF has created an internationally recognized artistic signature in his work by being

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Richard Mayhew

Legacy Richard Mayhew b. 1924 Mayhew was a founding member of Spiral, a collective of African-American artists that exhibited together one time only, in 1965 and was started to fight racial inequality through art. His style was greatly influenced during the 1950s explosion of Abstract Expressionist art and he enjoyed early success with a solo

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Chris McNair

Chris McNair

Legacy Chris McNair 1925 – 2019 McNair was a photographer for 50 years and was one of just a few black photographers in the ‘60s and 70s. He captured moments in history and prominent people such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. He was also the father of one of the four girls

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Bill Pajaud

1925-2015 Ritual Contemporary Tayo Adenaike 1925-2015 Pajaud was born and spent much of his childhood in New Orleans, where his father was a jazz musician who frequently played at funerals. As a teenager, Pajaud and his mother lived in Tennessee and Texas, and he was physically injured in two incidences of racial violence. Having received

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