Homage to Picasso Offset
Little Girl Offset
The Quartet
Margaret Burroughs
1917 - 2010
Dr. Burroughs’ accomplishments are many, both as a visual artist and the founder of arts organizations, including the first national organization for black artists in 1959 and the Du Sable Museum of African American History in Chicago, Illinois, in 1961. The Du Sable is the first museum of its kind that grew out of the indigenous black community and gained international acclaim as a resource for African American art. It remains an important institution today in the study and conservation of African American history, culture, and art, housing artworks, artifacts, and documents. Burroughs is among the outstanding institution builders of her generation. Dr. Burroughs has exhibited in the United States, Mexico, Poland, China, and Russia and received six honorary degrees and over sixty honors and awards. Burroughs learned the technique of linoleum-block printing at the Taller de Gráfica in Mexico from 1952 to 1953. She produced prints of images evocative of African American culture that she could make available ‘…to ordinary people at a very nominal cost…’ which could be ‘…used in some way to contribute to the liberation of our people.